Governance & Policies

Legal Structure of the School
The Beehive Montessori School Inc. is an Incorporated Association (not for gain) under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA). The School’s rules are contained in the Beehive Constitution adopted in 1985 and amended in 2000, 2015 and 2018.

The School Board
The School’s governing body is the School Board, and Board members are responsible for the strategic policy and executive decisions affecting the Association and the School. The School’s Strategic Plan Document is reviewed and updated annually by the Board and key staff.

The Board delegates the management of the School to the Principal, who is responsible for education and staffing and the day to day management of the School. If you wish to contact any of our School Board Members, please email for your email to be forwarded accordingly.

The current Board members are:

Ronald Crichton – Chair

Kazia Klopper – Deputy Chair

Matthew Lowth – Treasurer

James Townsend – Secretary

Jessica Boyd

Samantha Owen

Don Surjan

Aaron Whitelaw

Bronwyn Hope – Principal

Lucy Clarkson-Fletcher – Teacher Representative


Pathway to join the Beehive Board
The Beehive School Board is made up of past and current Beehive parents with a mix of different skill sets in order to provide a wide range of expertise in the governance of the School.

From time to time parents may be approached by the Board to see if they are interested in joining because they have a skill set or expertise which may be particularly useful, however this is by no means the only way to join.

If you have interest in giving your time and expertise to the Board you are welcome to email the Board Secretary at any time at to express your interest and provide some details of your background. It is also possible to observe at a Board meeting in order to get a sense of the Board’s responsibility for, and contribution to, strategic policy and how you may be able to assist.

The Beehive Montessori Foundation
The Foundation plays an integral role in the financial security of the school. All major fundraising activities of the parent body are conducted within the framework of the Foundation, which enables it to acquire some capital items for use by the school.

Annual Report
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2022
Annual Report 2021

2024 AGM Reports
Chair Report
Principal Report
Treasurers Report

School Policies
Admissions Policy
Anti-discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy
Assessment and Reporting Policy
Attendance Policy
Behaviour Policy
Board Business and Succession Policy
Bursary Policy
Child Protection Policy
Code of Conduct
Communication Path for Parents
Complaints (and Feedback) Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy
Critical Incident and Emergency Management
Curriculum Evaluation Policy
Excursions Incursions and Camps Policy
Family (and other) Court Policy
Gender Inclusive Policy
Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy
Long Service Leave Policy
Network Usage Policy
Privacy Policy
Review of Student Learning Policy
Risk Management Policy
School Maintenance Policy
Staff Code of Conduct
Staff Induction Management and Professional Learning Policy
Student Code of Conduct
Snake Sighting Procedure
Sun Protection Policy
Sustainability Policy
Workplace Health and Safety Policy