Our Parent Community
Beeliners and The Queen Bee
Every classroom has a Beeliner, a parent volunteer whose role is to orientate new parents, to promote links among parents and the School, and to act as a resource for the teacher and as class representative. Beeliners meet with new families shortly after they have started at the school and organise social events for their classes (whole class playdates), as well as social catch ups for parents. The Queen bee oversees the beeliner community, and co-ordinates parent volunteers for whole school events, such as Grandparents Morning, Parent Education and more. More information can be found in the Parent Handbook.

Coastal Café
Our Adolescent Program students, who are barista trained, run a Café on Wednesday and Friday mornings so that parents can grab a coffee before or after drop off. These students also sell products made from the honey and beeswax from the school hives they maintain. Profits from the Coastal micro-business are used to help fund the Year 9 Graduate Camp.

Arte Ricca and Artist in Residence Program
Beehive is lucky enough to host a highly talented and artistic parent body.
Borne from this hive of talent was the Arte Ricca art exhibition which first took place under the guidance of Elly Joel, Hannah Fitzhardinge, Evelyn Kotai and a host of other parent volunteers in 2014. This event was a great success and hosted artworks by both emerging and established artists in our local community, and has occurred every few years ever since.
Our most recent iteration of Arte Ricca took place in 2024 and was made possible by the current talented committee of artists and current parents – Anya Brock, Ross Potter, Beste Ogan, Desi Canning, Vanessa Margetts and Ella Waterworth. The commission from sales at this event will fund an Artist-in-Residence Program for 2025. If you are an artist interested in working with us please email admin@beehive.wa.edu.au for more information.
This artist-in-residence program was made possible with the funds the school received as commission from the 2021 Arte Ricca exhibition, and it is wonderful to be able to feed this back into the local artistic community.
Mural painted by Kyle Hughes-Odgers, 2023 Arte Ricca commission
Student Lead Initiatives
Beehive Environmental Club (BEC) is our student run environmental club. Our goal is to improve our planet by undertaking sustainability projects in our school and local community. Our most recent projects (2024) have been applying for and receiving a grant to create a recycling hub within the school, as well as a native planting day.
Student Philanthropy
There are various student-led fundraising initiatives we like to take part in as a community throughout the year. When one of our students was diagnosed with Leukemia, a number of students and staff took part in The World’s Greatest Shave to raise funds for cancer research. This has now become an annual event on the calendar, coinciding with our Family Fun Day event. More recently, a number of students have also raised funds for the Starlight Children’s foundation as a way to show support for another friend who has been unwell.

Parent Groups
Beehive Parent Community Choir
Choir leader Anna Walwork leads a group of parents in an informal, fun filled evening of song each week during term time. No auditions required, just come and join in! More details available by emailing admin@beehive.wa.edu.au.
Beehive Parent Theatre Group
Budding thespians are encouraged to join the singing and dancing extravaganza that is the Parent Theatre Group. Last years performance of Pinocchio was a huge success and a performance of the Lorax is scheduled for 2025. More details are available by emailing admin@beehive.wa.edu.au.

Wider Community Involvement
Beehive regularly lends its space to philanthropic agencies such as Impact100, and Young Impact100, as a way to lend support to these worthwhile causes.
The Beehive school hall is available for hire for privately run workshops, community events and functions. See here for more information.