
Enjoy this podcast on Montessori Education  with Simone Davies and Jesse McCarthy

Maria Montessori House Talks Podcasts: 2. Montessori, movement and executive functioning with Louise Livingston
➡️Spotify: https://buff.ly/2OKIJKq
➡️Apple Podcasts: https://buff.ly/2L3QDxD
➡️Google Podcasts: https://buff.ly/2OMt7WS


More Podcasts are available via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and Soundcloud on the AMI website, including:

What is Resilience? (Dr Laura Flores Shaw)

Montessori Movement and Executive Functioning (Dr Louise Livingston)

Music in Montessori with Sandford Jones (interview with Jesse McCarthy)

More coming soon!