The Orientation to Junior Primary will take place on Saturday March 9th (8:45am – 12:30pm).
This is an informative, enjoyable session that is essential for all families who have recently joined our Beehive community and have children who have started or are ready to start in Junior Primary.
Throughout the morning, we will cover Montessori philosophy and practice, and how home and school can work together to provide the best education for your child. We also discuss strategies for encouraging independence in the home and include a ‘hands-on’ session in the classrooms where you will learn more about the Montessori materials your child will be using.
Morning tea will be provided!
We encourage both parents to attend and request that children do not accompany you, to enable you to participate fully in the morning.
Please RSVP by Tuesday March 5th, via the form on school stream or via email to